Room Rules

Shared rooms

You can set the number of shared rooms to use during the match.
You can change it from "0" to "6".

* Recommended number of shared rooms:
"1 room"…For 4 players
"2 rooms"…For 5 to 6 players
"3 rooms"…For 7 to 9 players
"4 rooms"…For 10 to 12 players

Murder Weapons

You can set the number of items including weapons to use during the match.
* If set to 4, there will be 1 weapon and 3 other items.
You can change it from "2" to "8".

* Recommended number of weapons:
"2"…For 4 players
"3"…For 5 to 7 players
"4"…For 8 to 11 players
"5"…For 12 players

Recruiting Players

You can select the players you want to recruit.

Number of Plays: Beginner to about 30 plays
Create a Room for those who are completely beginners or have just started playing and are not familiar with the rules.
* Explanation for beginners will be displayed.
* Players with over 30 wins will not earn points.

Number of Plays: Up to about 50 plays
Create a Room for those who generally understand the rules but still feel unsure.
* Explanation for beginners will be displayed. Skipping is possible with everyone's agreement.

For those who want to enjoy playing from beginners to advanced players.
* Explanations for beginners will be omitted.

Number of Wins: Over 50 wins
Create a Room for advanced players who are familiar with the rules.
Explanations for beginners will also be omitted.

For those who enjoy playing with unusual role assignments that are not usually used.
* Explanations for beginners will be omitted.

Language Use

Set the "Language Usage" when recruiting opponents.

"Respectful" - Assumes that the opponent is senior
(Prohibited word filter: Strong)
"General" ---- Allows slightly informal language
(Prohibited word filter: Medium)
"Friendly" --- Used to the extent seen in broadcasts
(Prohibited word filter: Low)
"Free" ------- No restrictions on speech

* "Friendly" and "Free" cannot be used in "National Matches".
* We recommend setting to "Respectful".
Please be careful with your statements to ensure that other users are not offended.
* Statements are monitored daily, and if deemed malicious based on their content or frequency, measures such as account suspension will be taken.

Preferred Roles

You can choose whether to allow players to select their desired roles before starting the game.

"None" - Players cannot choose their desired roles.
"Yes" -- Players can choose their desired roles.

However, if there are multiple players who desire the same role, it will be randomly determined.
Also, players who cannot get their desired roles will have their roles randomly determined from other available roles.

* Roles that cannot be chosen as desired:
"Murderer", "Serial Killer", "Family", "Twin Family", "Magnificent Family", "Annoying Servant", "Annoying Detective", "Judge"

Shortened / Extended Approval Count

You can set the required number of consents to shorten (reduce discussion time) or extend (extend discussion time) the length of daytime discussions.

"Everyone" - Consent from all surviving players participating in the mansion is required.
"Majority" - Consent from the majority of surviving players participating in the mansion is required.

* Buttons for "Shorten" and "Extend" will be displayed during the game.


You can choose whether to use stamps during the match.

"None" - The stamp function cannot be used.
"Yes" -- The stamp function can be used.

* Even with "None" selected, stamps for CO (Coming Out) can still be used.
* Please be mindful of others and play in a fun and enjoyable manner.
* Persistent spamming of stamps may be considered harassment and could result in account suspension.

Day length

You can set the length of daytime discussions.
You can change it from "1 minute (60 seconds)" to "6 minutes (360 seconds)".

* The length of time until sunset accusation cannot be changed.

Timer for Discussion

You can change the display of the clock during daytime discussions.

"Hourglass" - Does not display seconds
"Clock" ----- Displays seconds

* Even if "Hourglass" is set, the GM will inform you of "60 seconds left", "30 seconds left", "10 seconds left".
* If "Recruiting Players" is set to "Beginner", the clock setting will be fixed to "Hourglass".

Night length

You can set the length of nighttime actions.
You can change it from "30 seconds" to "60 seconds".

* The length of time until sunset accusation cannot be changed.

Time Extension Count

You can set the maximum number of times the length of daytime discussions can be extended.
You can change it from "None" to "5 times", with each extension adding 2 minutes (120 seconds).
Consent from surviving players is required for the extension to take place.

* The required number of consents for extension can be changed in the "Number of Extensions" setting.
* Consider the players who are already deceased when setting this.

Time Limit

You can set the time limit.
You can change it from "-2 days" to "+4 days".

* The basic time limit may vary depending on the number of participants.
Time limit days = Number of participants + 1 day (however, discussions start from the 2nd day).

CO Turn Limit

You can set the number of times CO (Coming Out) is allowed during one day of the match (the number of times the CO button can be used).

"3 times per day" - Allows up to 3 uses of the CO button from the start of the day until sunset.
"Unlimited" ------- There is no limit to the number of times the CO button can be used.

* Even with "Unlimited" selected, persistent spamming of CO stamps may be considered harassment and could result in account suspension.
* Please be mindful of others and play in a fun and enjoyable manner.


You can set whether to allow "spectators" who do not participate in the game.

"None" ---- Spectating is not allowed.
"Allowed" - Players can spectate the game from the graveyard.

* If the Room's maximum occupancy is reached while a player is in the process of selecting their character's face, the player in the selection process will be removed from the Room.
* In password matches and friend matches, you can allow "spectators' remarks" from the settings.

Spectator Chat

You can set whether "spectators" who are not participating in the game can speak in the "graveyard".

"None" ---- Spectators cannot speak.
"Allowed" - Spectators can speak in the graveyard. They can converse with deceased players in the graveyard.

* In national matches, spectators cannot speak.

Spectator Count Display

You can set whether to show the number of spectators to players during the match.

"None" - Players during the match cannot see the number of spectators.
"Yes" -- Players during the match can see the number of spectators.

* Regardless of the setting, spectators can see the number of spectators.

Accusation Conversation

You can set whether speaking is allowed at the time of sunset accusation.

"Cannot speak" - Speaking is not allowed during accusation.
"Can speak" ---- Speaking is allowed during accusation.

* With the "Can speak" setting, be sure to focus on speaking and not forget to make the accusation.

Time Shortening/Extension Player Names

You can set whether to display the name of the player when shortening (reducing discussion time) or extending (extending discussion time) during daytime discussions.

"Do not show" - Does not display who pressed the "Shorten" or "Extend" button.
"Show" -------- Displays who pressed the "Shorten" or "Extend" button.

* Buttons for "Shorten" and "Extend" will be displayed during the game.

Presence of Points

You can choose whether to add points to the "Ranking" and "Likes".

"Yes" - You can earn ranking points and likes.
"No" -- You cannot earn ranking points and likes.

It is prohibited to earn points by taking certain actions in Rooms with specific roles.
If you want to play with certain actions in Rooms with specific roles, be sure to set it to "No".
Also, even if points are set to "No", activities such as "playing with multiple accounts" in national matches are prohibited.
For details, please check the "Prohibited Acts" in the Help section.

Skip during Accusation

You can set whether to skip the remaining time if everyone has taken action during accusation.

"Do not skip" - Even if all players who can take action have made their selections, the remaining time will not be skipped.
"Skip" -------- If all players who can take action have made their selections, the remaining time will be skipped.

Shock death of twins

You can set whether the other member of the "Twin Family" dies in a follow-up if one member is murdered.

"No" -- Even if one member is murdered, the remaining member will not die.
"Yes" - If one member is murdered, the remaining member will die in a follow-up.

Magnificent Family's Actions

You can set the number of times the "Magnificent Family" can move during nighttime actions.
You can change it from "2 times" to "4 times".

Dark Doctor's Sleeping Pills

You can set the number of medicines the "Dark Doctor" can use during nighttime actions.
The Dark Doctor can move as many times as the number of medicines they have.
You can change it from "1" to "3" or set it to "Unlimited".

Nurse's Actions

You can set the number of times the "Nurse" can enter restricted rooms during nighttime actions.
You can change it from "1 time" to "3 times" or set it to "Unlimited".

Annoying Detective's Appraisal

You can set the appraisal result of items for the "Annoying Detective".

"Not a weapon" - All items will be shown as "Not a weapon".
"Random" ------- One of the items will be randomly shown as "Weapon".

* In the case of random, at the beginning of the match, one of the "Not a weapon" items will be determined as a "Weapon".

15-Second Rule

This rule prohibits public statements for the first 15 seconds immediately after dawn.
It may be used in advanced matches, such as when murder suspects strategize in the murderer's chat during these 15 seconds.

"None" ---------- The rule is not applied.
"Only on Day 2" - The rule is applied, and on Day 2 only, the first 15 seconds will prohibit statements.
"Every day" ----- The rule is applied, and every day, the first 15 seconds will prohibit statements.

* You can still speak normally in "Murderer's Chat" or in the "Graveyard".
* This setting is available only if there are "Whispering Culprits" or "Whispering Accomplices".

Whispering Roles' weapon Confirmation

You can set whether "Whispering Accomplices" and "Whispering Culprits" can see the locations of all weapons on the first night.

"Invisible" - They cannot see the locations of weapons.
"Visible" --- They can see the locations of weapons.

* This setting is available only if there are "Whispering Culprits" or "Whispering Accomplices".

Phantom Thief's Shared Room Movement

You can set whether the "Thief" can go to shared rooms or not.

"No" -- The Thief cannot go to shared rooms.
"Yes" - The Thief can go to shared rooms.

* This setting is available only if there is a "Thief".

Killing by Murderer

You can set how many players the "Murderer" and "Serial Killer" will kill in the same room.

"One" - Randomly kills one player in the same room.
"All" - Kills all players in the same room.

Cult Leader and Followers

You can set how many players the "Cult Leader" will convert in the same room.

"One" - Randomly converts one player in the same room.
"All" - Converts all players in the same room.