Regarding Night Actions Order

Q: I find the order of actions at night quite complex and confusing.

A: The sequence of actions for each role is as follows:


(A) Dark Doctor
(B) Former Soldier
(C) Accomplice, Intellectual Accomplice, Whispering Accomplice
(D) Murderer, Serial Killer
(E) Other roles

Example 1:
If the former soldier selects the room to protect and the Dark Doctor chooses the same room, the Dark Doctor can use the sleeping pills on the selected person without interference.

Example 2:
If the former soldier selects the room to protect and the accomplice chooses the same room, the accomplice cannot move.

For details about items, please refer to 'Order of Exchanging Items.'

Order of Exchanging Items

Q: I'm unclear about the order of exchanging items.

A: Items are exchanged between the 'Murderer' and 'Accomplice'.
(A) The exchange by the Accomplice takes place before the guests' item checking.
(B) The exchange by the Murderer takes place after the guests' item checking.

Item A is in the Lounge.
The Accomplice has Item B.
The Murderer has Item C (Weapon).

Example 1-1:
If a guest moves to the Murderer's room and the Murderer moves to the Lounge, the guest can confirm Item C (Weapon) in the Murderer's room.

Example 1-2:
If a guest and the Accomplice move to the Murderer's room, and the Murderer moves to the Lounge, the guest can confirm Item B in the Murderer's room.
As the Accomplice has already exchanged items with the Murderer, the Murderer will exchange Item B with the guest instead of Item A in the Lounge.

Since the Murderer chose to move to the Lounge, the guest will not be murdered in the Murderer's room.

Conditions for Murder Occurrence

Q: I'm uncertain about the conditions that lead to murder during nighttime actions.

A: Murder occurs upon encountering the Murderer.
However, if the Murderer also moves during the night, encountering their room will not result in a murder even if other players like guests move to the Murderer's room.

The Murderer performs actions in the room they move to, which might lead to murder or other events.
If the Murderer remains in their own room and guests move to the Murderer's room, those guests will be murdered.
If multiple players encounter the Murderer, the player to be murdered will be randomly selected.

Encountering the Murderer with Multiple Players

Q: What happens if two or more people encounter the Murderer?

A: If two or more roles vulnerable to murder, such as guests, encounter (move to the same room as) the Murderer, only one of them will be randomly selected and murdered.
Also, if the Serial Killer moves to two different rooms, murders will occur in each respective room.
If three roles?'Guest,' 'Actress,' and 'Murderer'?enter the same room, the system first chooses between 'Guest' or 'Actress' as the target for murder. Then, the abilities of the roles activate afterward.

Roles like 'Whispering Accomplice,' which cannot be murdered, are not selected as targets for murder from the outset.

Regarding simultaneous accusations (1)

Q: Is it possible to accuse two people on the same day?

A: Only one player can make an accusation on the same day. However, multiple players can accuse different individuals.
* Simultaneous accusations of "murderer & weapon" and "criminal" by one player are also not allowed.

Regarding simultaneous accusations (2)

Q: What happens if two players accuse the murderer with different weapons?

A: If one of them is correct, only the murderer will be expelled, and the incorrect accuser will not be expelled.
If both are wrong, both accusers will be expelled.
However, if there is a correct accusation of "criminal" and an incorrect accusation (murderer or criminal), even if there is a player who correctly accused the "criminal," the player who made the incorrect accusation will still be expelled.

How to Watch from the Beginning

Q: I want to watch the game from the beginning, but I can only watch from the middle. What should I do?

A: Select the 'In Lobby' tab in the room list (lobby) screen and join a room.
Once inside, under the character selection, select the 'Spectate' button to start watching from the beginning.

Priority Order of Winning Factions

When multiple factions achieve victory conditions simultaneously, the order of priority for winning is as follows:

(1)Lovers Faction (2)Cult Faction (3)Hidden Child Faction (4)Phantom Thieves Faction (5)Families Faction Murderers Faction

Regarding the "Lawyer"

As a special condition, if the 'Fugitive Lovers' (or 'Cult Leader') from another faction mistakenly accuses and, at that moment, another player accuses the 'Fugitive Lovers' (or 'Cult Leader'), the Lawyer's ability will not activate, and they will be expelled.

Regarding the "Widow"

In the event of simultaneous accusations of the "murderer" and the "criminal" accusation of the Widow, the accusation of the murderer takes precedence, resulting in the Widow serving as a scapegoat.
In this case, the player who accused the Widow as the "criminal" will not be expelled.
However, players who accuse someone other than the Widow and make a mistake will be expelled.
Additionally, the Widow must confirm the "Family Treasure" to regain her memory.

Regarding the "judgment"

The Judge's judgment expulsion takes precedence over other abilities and activates first.

Example 1:
Even if a player facing judgment expulsion accuses another player, the judgment expulsion takes precedence and the accusation made by the player facing judgment expulsion becomes invalid.

Example 2:
When the Judge issues a judgment expulsion against a guest player, if another player makes an incorrect accusation against the same player, the judgment expulsion takes precedence, and the accusation made by the other player becomes invalid.

Example 3:
If the Judge issues a judgment expulsion against the widowed woman who is awakened simultaneously with the murderer's revelation, the widowed woman will be expelled, and the murderer will also be expelled.

Furthermore, if the Judge fails with the judgment expulsion, the Lawyer's ability cannot help in this situation.

the Last Day

If the correct accusation cannot be made on the final day, all players eligible to accuse will be expelled.

Manners (1)

: Q: I received a warning about 'Annoying Departure or Abandonment of the Game,' but I don't recall doing anything wrong.

A: Warnings for 'Annoying Departure or Abandonment of the Game' are sent to all players who have not participated in the discussion at all during the 'conversation' phase.
Please try to actively participate in discussions.

* Even if the reason for not participating in the 'conversation' is due to 'dozing off (falling asleep),' 'being busy (including going to the toilet),' 'an interrupted call,' 'communication issues,' or 'battery depletion,' we will categorize them all as 'Annoying Departure or Abandonment of the Game' and issue a warning.

Manners (2)

: Q: I received a message saying that the Public Match was locked due to 'Annoying Departure or Abandonment of the Game.'

A: If 'Annoying Departure or Abandonment of the Game' is confirmed multiple times, we may restrict access (lock) to the Public Match.
If this behavior occurs frequently, we might take measures such as account suspension.

* Even if the reasons for the above are 'falling asleep midway,' 'battery depletion,' 'an unexpected phone call,' or 'loss of signal,' we cannot verify these due to the nature of online games, and thus, they are all categorized as 'Annoying Departure or Abandonment of the Game.'
Please understand this policy in advance.

Manners (3)

Q: I received a warning after deleting a room due to users who never participated in the conversation or engaged in disruptive behavior. Why is that?

A: Please refrain from using the 'Delete Room' button except in cases where there's a technical issue preventing you from leaving the room.
Even if there are users who 'never participate in the conversation,' we've designed the system, such as the 'NPC system,' to ensure the game progresses minimally without interruptions.
Moreover, disruptive behavior that hinders the progress may constitute a crime.
We kindly ask you to report such behavior to the administration after the game ends.
If we deem it malicious, we will consider legal measures, including reporting to the police and inquiring about the user's information from the telecommunication service provider.
Your cooperation is appreciated.

Manners (4)

Q: I received a message saying that the room creation feature is locked, and I can't create a room.

A: If you repeatedly delete rooms using the 'Room Deletion' button within a short period, we may restrict (lock) the 'Room Creation' feature.
Please avoid using the 'Room Deletion' button unless there's a technical issue preventing you from leaving the mansion.
If you encounter issues exiting the mansion due to a technical glitch, after using the 'Room Deletion,' kindly report the symptoms via the support channel.
Regarding the lock, if multiple incidents occur, we will review the logs and, if deemed disruptive, may take measures such as account suspension.
We appreciate your understanding and cooperation for everyone to enjoy the game.

SNS and Recruitment

Q: Can I recruit players for public matches on social media?

A: In principle, soliciting players for 'Public Matches' outside the game using social media or similar platforms is prohibited.
However, as an exception, if the room settings specify 'Recruiting Players' as 'Enjoy' and set 'Presence of Points' to 'No,' and if there's mutual understanding and consideration among the other participants who might not be familiar with the circumstances, we currently do not issue warnings or take measures against this practice.

However, if it's noticed or suspected that actions like excluding players other than acquaintances, false reporting, blocking, sharing information among acquaintances, engaging in actions or behaviors that could make other players uncomfortable, or conducting actions such as playing on multiple devices are in violation of the terms of service or the rules outlined in the help section, we will take measures such as account suspension.

For more information on prohibited actions, please refer to the 'Prohibited actions' section in the 'Terms of Service.'

We kindly ask for your understanding and cooperation to ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone.