Other Factions

Phantom Thief


    Phantom Thief


    Cannot Accuse

Encounter with the Murderer


Result of the Servant

    Is the criminal

Actions on the 1st Night

    Confirmation items in your Rooms.

Actions at Night

  • Confirmation of Other Room's Items (Every Night) (Intrusion into restricted rooms) (Theft of 'Young Girl's Relic (Family's Treasure)')
  • Confirmation of Own Room's Items (Every Night)

Ability Explanation

    A master thief who joined the party with the intention of stealing the family's treasure, but the unexpected murder turned their plans upside down.
    Every night, they can infiltrate other rooms and check their items.
    Furthermore, they can easily break into off-limits rooms and inspect their contents.
    If they infiltrate a 'family' room, they can steal the 'family treasure.
    ' However, once they find all the 'family treasure,' they can no longer infiltrate other rooms from the following night.
    If they encounter the murderer, they will be killed.
    They can be expelled if part of their actions is exposed.
    (*Whether they can infiltrate shared rooms can be set.)

Faction Victory Conditions

  • Steal the 'family's treasure', victory for either the family or murderer faction, and survive until the end
    * Fulfill all conditions10 points

Mission Points

  • Acquire all the 'family's treasures'20 points
Fugitive Lovers




    Can Accuse

Encounter with the Murderer


Result of the Servant

    Is the criminal

Actions on the 1st Night

    Confirmation items in your Rooms.

Actions at Night

  • Confirmation of Other Room's Items (Every Night)
  • Confirmation of Own Room's Items (Every Night)

Ability Explanation

    Criminal lovers on the run.
    Always in pairs, each knowing they are lovers.
    Every night, they can infiltrate other rooms and inspect their items.
    If both lovers enter the same room, they can rendezvous.
    If encountering a murderer, they are killed.
    If one is killed or expelled, the other dies by suicide.
    Being accused as a criminal leads to expulsion.
    They can accuse despite being criminals themselves.

Faction Victory Conditions

  • Survival of both lovers10 points

Mission Points

  • Have a secret meeting (both lovers enter the same room)10 points
  • Have two secret meetings10 points




    Cannot Accuse

Encounter with the Murderer


Result of the Servant

    Is the criminal

Actions on the 1st Night

    Confirmation items in your Rooms.

Actions at Night

  • Confirmation of Other Room's Items (Every Night)
  • Confirmation of Own Room's Items (Every Night)

Ability Explanation

    A fugitive who has committed a crime and become wanted.
    They will do anything to survive.
    Regardless of which faction wins, if they manage to survive, they gain an additional victory.
    When they achieve additional victory, 5 victory points are subtracted from each player of the winning faction.
    Every night, they can infiltrate other rooms and inspect their items.
    Being accused as a criminal leads to expulsion.
    If encountering a murderer, they are killed.

Faction Victory Conditions

  • Survive until the end
    *Additional victory if conditions are met10 points

Mission Points

  • Never enter the same room as someone else15 points
  • Being accused as the murderer5 points
Cult Leader




    Can Accuse

Encounter with the Murderer


Result of the Servant

    Is the criminal

Actions on the 1st Night

    Confirmation items in your Rooms.

Actions at Night

  • Confirmation of Other Room's Items (Every Night)
    *Convert 1 player who enters the same room to join the cult
  • Confirmation of Own Room's Items (Every Night)

Ability Explanation

    The leader of the Illuminated Cult aims to recruit Owner Mobs and families, persuading them to donate all their possessions to the cult.
    They can recruit only one person who enters the same room into the cult.
    ※ The number of people to be recruited can be changed in the settings.
    If they manage to recruit all surviving families, elucidate the murderer and the weapon, and survive until the end, only the cult leader wins. Every night, they can infiltrate other rooms and inspect their items.
    Being accused as a criminal leads to expulsion.
    If they encounter the murderer, they are killed.
    They can accuse despite being criminals themselves.

Faction Victory Conditions

  • Exposing the murderer and their weapon, converting all surviving Familys, surviving until the end
    * Achieve all conditions15 points

Mission Points

  • Convert all members of the family10 points
  • Convert all survivors5 points
Hidden Child


    Hidden Child


    Can Accuse

Encounter with the Murderer


Result of the Servant

    Not the criminal

Actions on the 1st Night

    Confirmation items in your Rooms.

Actions at Night

  • Confirmation of Other Room's Items (Every Night)
    Check for 'Evidence of Hidden Child'
    *Unable to move after finding 'Evidence of Hidden Child'
  • Confirmation of Own Room's Items (Every Night)

Ability Explanation

    Hidden Child who learned the truth at the party.
    The objective is to find the 'Evidence of the Hidden Child' hidden within the items.
    If the faction of the family wins and you also survive, it's an additional victory. In this case, if you've found the 'Evidence of the Hidden Child,' you achieve a [Solo] victory as the heir.
    Moreover, even if the family is completely wiped out, the game continues if you have found the 'Evidence of the Hidden Child.'
    Every night, you can enter other rooms and check the items in them.
    However, once you find the 'Evidence of the Hidden Child,' you can no longer enter other rooms starting from the next night.
    If you encounter the murderer, you'll be killed.

Faction Victory Conditions

  • Exposing the murderer and their weapon, surviving until the end
    *Fulfill all conditions5 points

Mission Points

  • Find the 'Evidence of Hidden Child'
    *Results in a solo victory if the family faction wins15 points
  • Personally accuse the murderer5 points
  • Personally accuse a criminal other than the murderer5 points x 1 person